CS 2022 Annual Report and Highlights

by | July 18, 2023

Today I’m happy to share Crowdsourcing Sustainability’s 2022 annual report with you!

We’re very proud of what our scrappy startup nonprofit was able to accomplish last year in partnership with all of you.

You can find the full report here. And for those who want the short version, here are some of the highlights:

our programs by the numbers

CS Program highlights

cs community impact survey

CS Impact 2022

Finally, I’ll share the “Letter from our Founder” that I wrote for the report:

I believe that the effects of global heating and ecosystem collapse will be far worse and continue happening much faster than most people expect.

But Crowdsourcing Sustainability exists because I also believe that we have the capacity to rebuild a better society much faster than most anyone thinks is possible.

Thankfully, we already have most of the solutions we need. But solutions don’t scale themselves – only people can do that.

What we’re still short on is people power. We need more people stepping up to influence the policy and investment decisions that are being made in every school, city, state, and company around the world. Every one of these decisions is an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of climate solutions. Crowdsourcing Sustainability educates, inspires, and empowers people to understand this and act accordingly to make the places we live and work climate positive.

In 2022, we helped:

  • Empower thousands of people to take more systemic action.
  • Eliminate millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Save thousands of people’s lives!

I’m extremely grateful for and proud of our team and everyone in the CS community who is stepping up to reverse global heating as soon as possible and co-creating a world that is safe, healthy, and just. It is a privilege to stand alongside you in what is, or soon will be, the biggest movement in history.


Much love,


This post originally featured in the Crowdsourcing Sustainability newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter below!

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