“The only home we’ve ever known.”
– Carl Sagan

“The only home we’ve ever known.”
– Carl Sagan
What is Crowdsourcing Sustainability?
We are a community of people around the world helping to reverse global warming. The impact of our collective efforts accumulates and spread to others. We’re harnessing our collective wisdom and efforts to improve the quality of life everywhere, both today and tomorrow. We are crowdsourcing sustainability into the world.
Climate solutions at work: a guide for employees!
Companies arguably exercise more power than both governments and citizens in today's society. So what they choose to do (or not do) really matters. Especially when it comes to climate. They're starting to move in the right direction. But they still have a long way to...
How to Switch to a Climate-Positive Bank!
The hard truth is that your bank is probably using your money to support the fossil fuel industry and climate collapse. That’s why moving your money to a sustainable bank could be the most impactful action you can take to reduce your carbon footprint (or your...
Mindset, Self-Care, Community, and Persistence
Today I just want to share what I've been thinking about recently. It's a little perspective on where we are and some things to keep in mind for the years and decades ahead of us. Hope you find it helpful in one way or another! The road ahead Despite positive momentum...
Unleashing the power of people everywhere to help reverse global warming as soon as possible.