My TEDx Interview on all things climate
Two things for you this week.
First, an enormous thank you to everyone who has donated to Crowdsourcing Sustainability so far!
I am so grateful for your help to keep this work going and our impact growing. Y’all rock 🙂
Also, to those of you who tried to donate but weren’t able to – my bad. There was a minor tech hiccup that is now fixed.
So if you tried last week and couldn’t, or if you missed last week’s newsletter but would like to support this work – please do. Our goal to start is to get 100 monthly donors!
Second, I was invited to do an interview at TEDx Archivorum as a part of TED’s Countdown initiative to help accelerate climate solutions. I think you’ll enjoy it!
TEDx Archivorum interview
0 – 2:15: Intro
2:15 – 5:30: When was the moment you decided to act on climate change and why?
5:30 – 7:35: How did Crowdsourcing Sustainability come about?
7:35 – 12:54: What is the newsletter all about? What messages do you focus on?
12:54 – 17:00: What has been the biggest challenge so far?
17:00 – 19:12: What do you think about Gen Z? Can they change the world?
19:12 – 22:14: Is the US ready to make the necessary changes?
22:14 – 25:50: Where do we stand? Where are we heading? What steps can we take?
25:50 – 28:45: What do you think about David Wallace Wells and tech solutions?
28:45 – 31:32: Protests and advocacy: online vs. in person.
31:32 – 35:30: What needs to happen on a bigger scale for things to change?
35:30 – 37:30: Should central banks play an active role in addressing climate change?
37:30 – 38:50: Do you think we’re going to do it? Will we make a big enough change?
38:50 – 42:18: What are the adverse effects we’re going to see?
42:18 – 45:52: Why is it so hard for us to make these changes? Why don’t people want this more?
If you’d like to watch all of TEDx Archivorum’s Countdown speakers, you can find them here on their Vimeo page.